Flintstones Layout Drawing - ID: mayflintstones19141

Flintstones Layout Drawing - ID: mayflintstones19141 Hanna Barbera


Art Type:

Image Size: 
3" x 5.5"
Price: $200.00
SKU: mayflintstones19141

An original layout drawing from the Hanna Barbera animated series "The Flintstones" (1960-present). Featuring a fantastic illustration of Barney Rubble with a large clamshell, the graphite drawing was created at the studio and used during the animation process of the episode titled "Fred's New Job" which aired on February 15, 1963. Measuring 10.5"x12.5" overall, with the character image measuring 3"x5.5", the drawing is in very good condition with minor page discoloration and wrinkling towards the lower right corner.

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